Mr. Gable represents people accused of sex crimes or rape in Cook County and Chicago. These cases range from child pornography to aggravated or predatory criminal sexual assault and the potential criminal penalties are severe and can often result in sex offender registration.
These cases are complex and require immediate investigation and counseling. If you are accused or the police or federal authorities are looking to question you, it is extremely important to speak to an attorney immediately.
Successfully representing people at 26th and California, Skokie, Evanston, Rolling Meadows, Maywood, Bridgeview, Markham, and Northern District of Illinois courthouses.
Acquittal after trial in Chicago for client charged with Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault, 720 ILCS 5/11-1.40, and Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse, 720 ILCS 5/11-1.60. Client, a former military member, was accused of a Class X Felony, for alleged sexual penetration/conduct with a 9 year old family member. After extensive investigation and preparation, counsel uncovered witnesses and evidence disproving the government's allegations leading to the suppression of the defendant's alleged confession and ultimately to a finding of not guilty.
Chicago jury found client not a “sexually violent person” under 725 ILCS 207/15. Served as co-counsel for individual the State sought to detain under the Sexually Violent Persons Commitment Act after he had finished his prison sentence. Client had been convicted of four rapes and one attempted rape in the past and had already served over 20 years in prison. He was now facing a potential lifetime detention. After extensive investigation and preparation, were able to demonstrate that he was not a sexually violent person. This is believed to be the first and only such victory in Cook County in over 30 years of such proceedings.
All sex charges dismissed and case reduced to a non-sex offender misdemeanor at Maywood Courthouse. Client was charged with 15 felony counts of Criminal Sexual Assault / Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse. Client was facing decades of imprisonment and lifetime registration as a sex offender. After extensive investigation and preparation, on the day of the trial, the State reduced all charges to a single domestic battery charge. Client avoided prison, sex offender registration, and a felony record.
Obtained a reversal on appeal for an individual convicted of aggravated criminal sexual assault, 720 ILCS 5/11-1.30, a Class X offense. He was convicted by a Cook County jury and had been in prison for over 2 years before the reversal. Client is now home with his family.
Reversal on appeal for 18 different child pornography counts, 720 ILCS 5/11-20.1, based on allegations that thousands of videos and images were found in the cache of defendant's computer. Was able to persuade the Illinois Court of Appeals that mere presence in computer cache does not demonstrate knowing possession.
Avoided the arrest and any charges for a doctor accused of sexually assaulting a subordinate doctor at the hospital. The police had been looking for this physician after the accusation was made.
Avoided arrest and any charges for individual investigated by F.B.I. regarding possession and distribution of child pornography after allegedly searching his computer.
Avoided any criminal charges for individual arrested for allegedly soliciting sexual activities from a minor.
Avoided arrest, charges, and any employment discipline for a federal law enforcement officer accused of soliciting sexual activities on work computer.
Obtained a dismissal of federal felony indictment for failing to register as sex offender ("SORNA") based on retroactive application to defendant.
Obtained deferred prosecution for man alleged to have inappropriate acts with girlfriend's daughter after girlfriend placed hidden camera in home and recorded alleged acts.